Where Goals Align

Feedback from the animal science and research community.

We invited members of the animal science and research community in NZ to provide feedback on our Striking at the Source petition requests.

These are requests include asking the NZ Government to:

  1. Allocate funding towards the use and development of animal-free methods.
  2. Commit to phasing out the requirements for animal testing in NZ law.
  3. Commit to phasing out the use of animals for science as technology permits.

The following institutes provided feedback:

  • The Australian & New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART)
  • Universities NZ (representing all eight universities in NZ)
  • AgResearch (their animal ethics committee parents approx. 34% of all institutes using animals for research, testing and teaching in NZ)
  • The Cawthron Institute (New Zealand’s largest independent science organisation)
  • And many more

The most important part is the consensus of the feedback we received. There is a genuine, shared desire to see progress in these three areas!

Find out more via the table below.

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With your help we can end animal experimentation in Aotearoa.